Casa Youth Shelter Wish List

These are items we use most often to support our daily shelter operations. Our greatest needs include such staples as canned food and fresh consumables, new, unworn clothing, shoes, socks, and accessories, new personal hygiene products, and household supplies in original packaging. All donations are gratefully accepted.


Shop Our Amazon Wish List

Download our Printable Wish List

Download our Printable Holiday Wish List


Purchase Items for Our “Caught Ya” Store

Residents are awarded “Caught Ya” dollars whenever staff “catches” them doing something helpful or kind or compassionate. The dollars then may be spent at our shelter’s Caught Ya Store for all kinds of great stuff. Help us keep the Caught Ya Store stocked! We always need: playing cards and card games, comic books, blank journals, hair accessories, and posters.


Support Our Community Outreach Efforts

Our community-based outreach program offers targeted crisis prevention, and education through parenting classes, presentations, tabling events, workshops, and more. Help us reach more youth with an in-kind donation of the following items:

  • Non-chocolate candy
  • Inflatable couch
  • Inflatable armchair
  • Sponsorship of events or promotional items for events


Purchase Items to Ship Directly to Our Shelter

Purchase items and ship directly to Casa Youth Shelter through our Amazon Wish List.


Make a Cash Donation

If you’d prefer to make a financial contribution, click here.