Join us at the Annual Texas Hold’em Tournament for Casa Youth Shelter!
Join us for a Casa Youth Shelter tradition – the Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament at Klabouch House of Cards! This event is sure to sell out, so get your tickets today. There are many ways to participate in this special evening, from sponsorships to underwriting opportunities. See the details below for more information!
Saturday, August 24th, 2024
The Klabouch House of Cards
Registration begins at 5:00 PM
Poker Preschool begins at 5:30 PM
Tournament begins at 6:00 PM.
Sponsorships & Tickets:
All Sponsorships include: 1 Player, dinner, and publicity at event & on website
ACE: $2,500
KING: $1,500
QUEEN: $1,000
JACK: $500
Player Buy-In: $300
Non-Player VIP: $75
For questions please contact Alyssa Robbins at arobbins@casayouthshelter.org or (562) 742 – 3953.


Limited Tickets
Are Available.
This event will sell out! Reserve your spot Today!